Friday, January 23, 2015

A picture's worth a 1,000 words: Narrative Still Life

In Language Arts, a personal narrative essay tells the story of the author in carefully crafted words but how do you tell a visual story in a photograph? SPHS students were challenged to figure out a way to tell a story about themselves through a Narrative Still Life photograph. Students chose 3-5 objects that told a cohesive story about some aspect of their personality.  Students learned about lighting, setting up a still life and how the tiny details can make all the difference.
Bernave T, 6th Period

Zaira J., 6th Period

Jasmine G., 6th Period
Danny V., 5th period

Joanna R., 5th period

Valerie M., 5th Period
Jennifer M., 4th period

Jose C., 4th Period

John H., 4th Period

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